30 June 2005
14 June 2005
lucy bowling and free ebook with cherokee mounds in east tennessee
project gutenberg's free e-text, the problem of the ohio mounds, by cyrus thomas, originally published in the "Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology for 1883-1884" (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1894), contains information about some of the burial mounds in east tennessee.
i found the book today because i was answering a letter in which an ellis family researcher was asking me whether or not i had ever heard that lucy bowling (or bowlin) was part cherokee. i began describing the mounds near the old ellis land south of the river, near kingston, tn and thought i'd see if anything was on the internet about them. though i haven't yet discovered anything about the particular mounds i have in mind, i've had an enjoyable read in thomas' book (which, by the way, can be purchased via amazon from private publishers). though the gutenberg plain text version doesn't have the illustrations, i'm just happy to have the free reading ride.
a search of gutenberg.org using google site search turned up 307 hits for the search terms "cherokee tennessee," for those who are interested. like me.
(for a photo album of the land of william monroe ellis and lucy bowling, see my rootsweb freepages - photo album: william monroe ellis & lucy bowling land & the
ELLIS family cemetery, south of the river, roane co, tn - | HERE|
posted by
tn type
6/14/2005 01:02:00 PM
help fight the NHPRC/NARA FY06 budget cuts NOW
the federal government is endangering your genealogy research again, and you really should act...soon!
for further information about the 2006 budget and how it will affect genealogy and historical research, please see this web page: NHPRC/NARA FY06 Budget
if you're hestating, think about whether or not you did enough to protest the current law which overly restricts distribution of vital records and hampers your genealogy research...
i've copied an e-mail call to action which begins to spell out what is happening and where you can go to read more and to begin to act:
----- Original Message -----From: "Haston Magnuson"
The following e-mail is of great concern to any genealogists who use archives. Please read, sign the petition, then send this to any other Rootsweb or genealogy lists you're on.
The President's budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2006 slash or eliminate more than 150 federal programs. In that budget, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) has been targeted to receive NO funding. This includes no funds for the grants program and no funds for staffing to support the NHPRC programs. It effectively eliminates NHPRC.
The Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, the Society of American Archivists, and the National Association for Government Archivists and Records Administrators are working collaboratively to address this threat to NHPRC and NARA. Archivists across the U.S. are rallying to save NHPRC while also ensuring that NARA has sufficient funding to sustain its current programs and continue to advance in areas that benefit all archival repositories and every citizen of the United States.
As part of our efforts to continue to express to Congress interest in restoration of funding for NHPRC, we have created an online petition. Please consider signing this petition, and please forward it to any listservs, e-mail groups, or organizations and people you feel would be interested in helping with this effort. It is a quick and easy way for many people to assist. The petition will be forwarded to the House Appropriations Committee and Subcommittee on Treasury, Transportation, HUD and the Judiciary in late May. The petition can be access at:
_www.savearchives.org_ (http://www.savearchives.org/)
Click on the "petition" button.
If you have not received a previous action alert on this issue, we encourage you to also write a letter to your members of Congress. For information on writing letters of support, see any of the following websites:
www.savearchives.org_ (http://www.savearchives.org/)
www.coshrc.org_ (http://www.coshrc.org/)
www.archivists.org_ (http://www.archivists.org/)
Thanks for your efforts to save this important program for archives!
Members of the NHPRC Joint Advocacy Task Force Council of State Historical Records Coordinators: David Carmicheal, Sandra Clark, Kathleen Roe
Society of American Archivists: Nancy Beaumont, Peter Gottlieb, Rand Jimerson, Joan Krizack, Richard Pearce-Moses
National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators: Timothy Slavin
posted by
tn type
6/14/2005 09:50:00 AM