26 January 2005
21 January 2005
companion TnType.com opening VERY soon
because i'm still trying to settle a registration dispute caused by my last web host's problematic domain registration habits, i'm still not able to open up kiddo ink. however, ta dah, drum roll, i have a new domain for my companion to this blog and it should be operable soon. i'm just trying to figure out if i'll be able to restore my postings from tntype.kiddoink.com. the bad news is that maybe i never will. the good news is that it was a new site, i'd only made a handful of postings before i discovered bloghosts was going belly up.
new companion site for this blog:
posted by
tn type
1/21/2005 07:24:00 PM
comment spam prevention might open this blog up to commenting soon
the google blog's recent posting on preventing comment spam might have me opening up my postings in this blog to commenting. can't work on it now, though because i'm working on something new. keep your eyes open!
posted by
tn type
1/21/2005 07:17:00 PM
trying to regain control of the kiddo ink domain
home page message at bloghosts.com.
trying to get my domain out of their clutches is one royal pain. shame on them...
posted by
tn type
1/21/2005 04:19:00 PM
12 January 2005
host woes for tntype at kiddoink
my apologies, but the host to a companion site to this blog - tntype.kiddoink.com - went belly up. i've been sick and haven't relocated the pages yet. when i get the domain back online, i'll give you notice. meantime, peruse tn type's pages at rootsweb, why don'cha? alternatively, you're welcome to drive yourself nuts clicking the link in the right-hand column to the KiddoInk blog to check to see if it's there yet ;-)
(and speaking of driving folks nuts, whatever possessed me to think that blinking update text was a good idea?)
i promise
posted by
tn type
1/12/2005 06:00:00 PM